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China Business Law Journal – April 2023

Volume 14, Issue 4

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When innovation disrupts

Despite concerns over geopolitical tensions and shaken faith in a shared financial future, there is no going back from globalisation, which has come to define every aspect of our daily lives. Today, we display, consume and experience the labour of hundreds of cultures almost with indifference, although this would not be possible had there not been a well-proven system to protect and encourage intellectual accomplishments, wherever they hail from.

On the flip side, and perhaps unsurprisingly, the structures on which we so rely to safeguard originality are constantly challenged by the very things they seek to defend – new ideas and technologies. The explosive advent of AI generated content (AIGC), spearheaded by ChatGPT, is one such disruptive technology that caught regulators by and large off guard, as it poses questions that the existing legal framework simply never sought to answer.

In our cover story, The threshold of change, IP-savvy legal professionals share their opinions on the dual-sided impact of AIGC – the promising picture of a burgeoning digital economy, and the hidden dangers for IP protection. We explore China’s progressive legislative reforms in IP protection, benefiting homegrown and foreign companies alike, but also brought uncertainty to corporate IP planning and compliance strategies.

From the litigation strategies against know-how theft to aspects of IP protection unique to the era of ChatGPT and digital economy, in Guarding creativity, a series of senior lawyers tackle some of the most heated issues in IP protection.

When “made in China” proved no longer able to meet Chinese enterprises’ increasingly sophisticated needs, many cast their aspirations overseas, determined to bring their homegrown brands and creativity to faraway audiences.

In Voyagers’ voices, we invite the legal and IP masterminds of four successful foragers of the international market – BGI Genomics, Hisense, Mango Excellent Media and NIO – to share their valuable experience and insight related to IP protection beyond the border, particularly from the perspective of their distinct sectors.

In about 10 short years, the mentality of many pioneering businesses has experienced dramatic changes where environmental and social governance (ESG) is concerned. Although belated, there is now an unstoppable green investment push in China, as the quickly evolving regulatory framework compels companies to catch up and take action.

While the holistic awakening of ESG awareness is commendable, concerns such as greenwashing have also appeared. In Force of nature, we examine both sides of the issue.

Finally, after months of surveying and collecting thousands of market feedbacks, the editorial team of China Business Law Journal proudly unveils the winners of In-house Counsel Awards 2023. The awards recognise in-house legal talent and teams who have made significant contributions to the business order and operating environment, in China and beyond. We offer our sincerest thanks to all who participated in our research, and a heartfelt congratulations to all winners.

In this issue

Remedies for rejection of reconsideration applications

By Chen Zhuo and Zheng Yeye, Tian Yuan Law Firm

China IP case study: How Mango Excellent Media protects its copyright overseas

Mango Excellent Media legal director discusses IP difficulties of the Chinese internet video enterprises in the operation, creation and development

Forced labour: avoiding the risk in international trade

By Patrick Gu and Theo Ju, Llinks Law Offices
China's ESG regulatory moves

Force of nature

With rapidly escalating ESG awareness and evolving policies, China is embracing a robust wave of green investment

IP strategy in AI times

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal
Application of service trusts

Service trusts in bankruptcy management and risk disposal

By Wang Zhenxiang, Jingtian & Gongcheng
Specifying trade secret content

How to specify the content of trade secrets by rights holders

By Chen Zhixing and Lan Manfeng, AnJie Broad Law Firm

Compliance management with employment conflicts of interest

By Tracy Liu and Larry Lian, Jingtian & Gongcheng
Abuse of dominant market position

Determination of abuse of dominant market position

By Ryan Fang and Simon Shi, Jingtian & Gongcheng
Enforcing treaty awards overseas

Enforcing treaty awards overseas under New York Convention

By Yang Xueyu and Huang Zeyu, Hui Zhong Law Firm

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